Wednesday, March 26, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge: Prompt #14

Write about something you are afraid of, but do not focus on your fear of it (for instance, someone who is afraid of spiders might write about a spider spinning its web).


  1. I sit on the toilet seat lid and focus on my reflection in the full length mirror straight ahead. I've thought this through a million times and realize now I have to do this. I've loved you for a long time but I've been reading Thoreau and London as well as hearing stories everywhere about people following their dreams. It only makes me realize how much it's time for me to follow my own. I stand up, splash cold water on my face, and breathe deeply. I begin to speak aloud practicing what I might say when I finally find the guts to follow through; talking about how it's not you, it's me. I finally come to the conclusion I cannot do what I fear most; hurting the person who has taken the best care of me for the past few years. I swallow my feelings, put the kettle on the fire, and lie down as I think about the courage I will have someday to let you down gently.

  2. Skunks are not a normal sight for someone to see but when you see one they are curious little creatures. They scurry around the woods staying close to the ground. Skunks are small and their fur has the appearance that it is very soft. Their trademark, other than their stink, is their long white stripe going down their back and underneath their tail. They look very harmless and maybe even pet-worthy but once you get to close, the idea of that is gone forever...
